Fall Term 2024 Cellular Form and Function - 5708 - BIOL 130 |
Prerequisites/Notes: First-year or second-year standing: consent of instructor required for juniors and seniors. Simultaneous enrollment in BIOL 130 and BIOL 131 required for first- and second-year students. Catalog Description : An exploration of fundamental cellular processes in an evolutionary context including homeostasis, cell cycle, gene expression, energy transformation, inheritance, and multi-cellular development. Experimental approaches will be emphasized. Lecture and laboratory. BIOL 130 is primarily offered to serve students exploring majors in Biology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience, and Environmental Science. A student looking for a laboratory course in the natural sciences in order to fulfil a general education requirement, might be better served taking courses such as BIOL 103 or BIOL 100. PREREQUISITES: First-year or second-year standing: consent of instructor required for juniors and seniors. Simultaneous enrollment in BIOL 130 and BIOL 131 required for first- and second-year students. Attributes: GER NS Lab Course, 100-199 Introductory Course