Winter Term 2025 Dis(re)membering the Nation: Contemporary Film & Fiction of Spain and Latin America - 2014 - FIST 580 |
Prerequisites/Notes: One 400-level course in Spanish or consent of instructor Catalog Description : A thematic analysis of film and fiction produced in the late and post-dictatorial context of Spain and several Latin American countries. The course studies the cultural processes of historical memory, collective trauma, oblivion, and questioning of national narratives in selected works from the past four decades. Readings include Manuel Puig's Kiss of the Spider Woman, Ariel Dorfman's Death and the Maiden, and Carmen Martin Gaite's The Back Room, as well as films by Lucrecia Martel, Victor Erice, Pablo Larrain, and Guillermo del Toro, among others. Attributes: Non-English Language Instructn, Cross-Listed Course, GER Global Diversity, 400-599 Advanced Course