Winter Term 2025 Theories of Race, Racism, & Ethnicity - 2139 - ETST 402 |
Prerequisites/Notes: Sophomore standing or permission of intructor. Students are strongly encouraged to have taken an Ethnic Studies course previously. Those who have not done so should speak with the instructor before registering. Catalog Description : This writing intensive seminar examines classical statements on race and ethnicity in sociological thought. Then, we survey more recent contributions, looking at primordialist, constructivist and assimilationist theories of ethnicity; and structural, intersectional, and critical approaches to race. Lastly, we review some new directions with critical race theory and settler colonialism. This course engages complex theoretical readings, requires a research paper, includes group discussion, and concludes with a conference where students present their research to the broader public.Students who have taken ETST 301 are not eligible to take ETST 402. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing or permission of intructor. Students are strongly encouraged to have taken an Ethnic Studies course previously. Those who have not done so should speak with the instructor before registering. Attributes: GER Dimens Diversity, GER Writing Intensive, 400-599 Advanced Course