Spring Term 2025 TOP: HUMANS AND ALCOHOL - 3850 - ANTH 540 |
Prerequisites/Notes: ANTH 140, 141 or 142 and one other course in anthropology; or BIOL 150 and instructor's consent; and junior or senior standing. Catalog Description : "An examination of a particular topic in contemporary biological anthropological research. The specific topic investigated changes each year. Students are expected to carry out independent research on the topic, either through a review of relevant literature or through field or laboratory work. May be repeated when topic is different. Topic for Spring 2025: Humans and alcohol: a biocultural approach PREREQUISITES: ANTH 140, 141, or 142 AND one other course in anthropology; or BIOL 135 or BIOL 150 AND instructor's consent; and junior or senior standing Attributes: GER Social Science Div, 400-599 Advanced Course